
Mt Cocknballs

The last couple days have been really cold and windy.  We had aspirations for some bigger targets but decided to stay out of the wind and shred the subalpine.  We decided to hit Mt Cocknballs.
The shade was cold, so we didn't stop much.  There are lots of cool pillows to scope on the way up.
 A few stacks in there.
Delaney enjoying the sun, and trying to decide if the surrounding peaks are wind-fucked.
Skinning by the haggard tree, with the PV in the background
More views, i have never toured up here on a blue day, so it was nice to look around
Had one of the best runs of my life on this face a bunch of years ago. I also destroyed my board.
more views
not the top, but where we decided to drop in
the valley
Delaney dropping in.  The only action shot, as it was fucking cold, and we are wimps.

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